Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A day of fishing

Geri had to work in Anaconda at a flu shot clinic, so after taking care of a few chores around the house, I took off for Philipsburg and my favorite fishing area.

While scouting for the best place to start, there is a little bed and breakfast place on Rock Creek where I spotted some Peacocks in a nearby field. I didn't have my good digital camera with me, so I only took a shot or two.
I got 'on the water' by 1PM and fished till it got too dark to see my fly hit the water!!!
The fishing was very good and this was strictly a catch and release day for me. I caught dozens of Westslope Cutthroat and Brook trout. Most were keepers for a nice dinner, but Geri and I have eaten lots of fish this year, and I wanted only to capture a few on film. What was a bit scary was after each fish I caught, as I gently held each one to remove the hook I spoke to each one and said they would be going back to their home. None of them flopped around while extracting the fly! They must of sensed that I ment them no harm!
Enjoy the photos.

(click on any image to make larger)

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