Friday, April 29, 2016

 'Sally Hansen Sand Turtle Gleemer'

Today I learned how others are getting such smooth and flowing wraps on their bamboo fly rods. I recall seeing an article in the 'Planing Form' issue I received recently by Tony Spezio about these 'gleemers'.
I learned these fine ladies fingernail tools were being employed by rod builders to file, smooth and polish the varnished guide wraps and the blanks as well. I decided to give this a try on my wraps, which I felt I had enough coats of dried urethane on my wraps to safely sand them smooth without cutting into the thread.
I was amazed at the results! After cleaning off the sanded dust and applying a thinned urethane coat to the wraps the appear super smooth and delightful.

This video is of the butt section with sanding and varnish overcoat applied

This video shows the sanded wraps ready for the varnish overcoat 
This video shows sanded wraps after diluted varnish overcoat has been applied

Monday, April 25, 2016

A Cecil B DeMille I am not, but here is a short video about wrapping and tipping applied to a Phillipson Bamboo Fly Rod refurbish job.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Presentation finally made...

Yesterday was the day Geri and I finally presented our next door neighbor lady with her surprise bamboo fly rod!

I made this one for her over the winter as a surprise gift including a rod sock, rod tube, Redington Surge fly reel loaded with backing, line, leader and tippet.

She was ecstatic and loved the way it cast right off...  Hopefully she will share with us the first time she catches her first fish with it. She normally goes out fishing with her son and his wife. They all seem to have a great time!


This lady has done so much for us, giving us here newspapers and sharing her garbage bin as well. We also find fresh baked cookies by our rear door often as well.

Thank you, Lynn for being such an enjoyable neighbor!!!!