We are waiting for Spring…. And waiting…. And waiting ! ! ! !
The taxes are done and I am done building the ‘Fun 51’ airplane. I think it came out looking pretty good, but will it fly? I am betting that it will fly quite well, thank you!
Geri helped me ‘field test’ the plane around the back driveway this past weekend. I fired up the engine and got it warmed up, then taxied it around the driveway a little bit. Of course it snowed a little more later in the day!
I attended my first meeting last week with the local R/C airplane club, the Missoula Thunderbirds. All of 9 pilots showed up! So, I am assuming there will be sparse activity at the air strip come time to fly!
I will be getting my old P-51 Mustang project back on the building table soon. Would like to get that plane finished up and possibly flying sometime in the Spring as well.
The taxes are done and I am done building the ‘Fun 51’ airplane. I think it came out looking pretty good, but will it fly? I am betting that it will fly quite well, thank you!
Geri helped me ‘field test’ the plane around the back driveway this past weekend. I fired up the engine and got it warmed up, then taxied it around the driveway a little bit. Of course it snowed a little more later in the day!
I attended my first meeting last week with the local R/C airplane club, the Missoula Thunderbirds. All of 9 pilots showed up! So, I am assuming there will be sparse activity at the air strip come time to fly!
I will be getting my old P-51 Mustang project back on the building table soon. Would like to get that plane finished up and possibly flying sometime in the Spring as well.
I will post a few photos of the George Preddy ‘Crips A Mighty’ here.