Monday, January 26, 2009

Resurrecting an old hobby…

I got permission and encouragement from my wonderful lady to redo the 2nd bedroom from contemporary guest sleeping quarters to semi modern hobby room. I spent the last couple weeks rearranging, unpacking tools, wood and supplies I had in storage since packing up in 2005. Yea, so far, I found everything in spite of having move 3 times!!

I sorted through a wheelbarrow full of old computers (yes, THEY got moved 3 times, too!!!!) and decided to give them to charity! This helps downsize the lot in the garage and room for newer stuff, whatever that newer stuff turns out to be….

I finally got a chance to work on some airplanes. I finished stripping off the rest of the old covering on the Fun 51 wing and considering rebuilding it again. It is a smaller plane but a lot of fun to fly. It was my usual choice of plane to use at contests put on by the club I flew with in Wisconsin. These ‘Fun Fly’ events usually consisted of aerobatic skills and timed events. The Fun 51 was the first build airplane I had, and I won this kit at one of our monthly meetings. The fuselage finally broke in two at the end of the last season I flew, but I managed to hang onto the wing. I ordered another kit the other day that I will build and copy the fuselage out of, then I will have two Fun 51’s ( or one F-82??? HHHhhhmmmmmmmmm…).

I am charging several batteries in hopes that they will be serviceable in the upcoming flying season. Receiver, transmitter, glow driver, starting and backup batteries all need to be charged and discharge tested for quality. Several of these are several years old.

I got one of my oldest and most enjoyable planes out to refurbish, the Kyosho Stearman. It suffered a breakage during the move out here from Wisconsin. The left front part of the horizontal stabilizer cracked but did not break through completely. I stripped back the covering and drilled a long hole longitudinally through the leading edge wood and epoxied a stiffening rod through it. I pin pricked the leading edge balsa and soaked it with thin CA as well, and the cracked wood is stronger that it was before. I recovered it with the old covering and looks as good as new. I reprinted and replaced some of the graphics as well.

My long range plan is to complete the North American P-51D Mustang I started several years ago. This long term commitment will be completed but may be delayed by the profile style Fun 51 project.

Anyway, here are a few pictures of the Stearman and the ‘new’ shop.
