Saturday, December 23, 2006

Happy Christmas Eve…eve!

Yea, it is December 23rd, and we are getting a little dusting of snow. We do have a little left on the ground from several weeks ago. We do get a little sun from time-to-time but it is not enough to warm us up or melt the snow all that fast. We expect to get our biggest amount of snow after the new year. All the ski slops around us are open and doing great business. Not being of the active ‘snow type’, I cannot attest to the quality of the ski slopes as I have not ventured forth for many, many years.
Our Christmas tree is all decorated nicely with a few presents underneath. We have several decorations around the home as well. Geri likes to decorate and ‘junk up’ the place during the holiday. I shot some images out the back yard of some of the snow and tried to capture the new stuff falling out of the sky.
We didn’t do the massive amount of Christmas cards this year as we have done in the past. Just wasn’t into it I guess.
We’re spending Christmas day up on the hill in Lolo at Geri’s sisters place, and will have quite a few family members up there for the celebration.
Hope you enjoy the photos…

Saturday, December 16, 2006

School Bus 41 Essay

I decided to do a short essay on this old 1940s era school bus I came across out here in Montana along a country road.

See the whole set of photos in the link to the right "Dons Albums".

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Jim Wahner - A Tribute

“OK, now give it some right aileron and bring it around over the field and YOU try it this time…” Jim would say. ”OK Don, now lets see your loop” Jim would whisper to me as he gazed up at my trainer, hands steady on the trainer transmitter and thumb pressed on the take control switch. Up and over the top of the loop then down to straight and level flight. “Good, good” he would say “that was nice and smooth. Now land her and we’ll take a rest”.
Jim Wahner was like that to all his student pilots. Knowledgeable about people and considerate of their emotions under those stressful times learning the hobby of R/C flying. He gave me consistent advice and full follow through with each training flight. I learned quickly about the basics and he would gently coax me into the advanced techniques of Immelmans,, split-S and roll maneuvers. He would throw a Cuban eight in for good measure from time-to-time.
Our friend and fellow pilot, Mr. Jim Wahner has been stricken with a massive stroke and does not have the capacity to be with us, joke with us and command to “stiffel yourself” to his closest compadres.
He was always there to help with all activities in our club when many would not or could not step forward. I think he was the best bar-b-quer I know. The man knew his way around a Webber with out a doubt. I, as many others can attest, our mid week Chicken Squadron meetings were graced with his ubiquitous effervescence and jovial humor only at its best. He is a consummate friend.
I remember our Christmas parties all to well as there was always some issue surrounding Jim’s flying prowess that had to be specially noted during the evening. He either did something very well, or he accomplished something else quite poorly. It usually centered on the demise of one of his favorite combat plane creations and was duly eulogized.
Jim enjoyed combat flying online with several fellow club members and I know they miss that competitive side of this otherwise gentile man.

I know when I speak for all those that know Jim Wahner, and love this man for what he has done for our club and individuals, that we wish him God Speed and hope he returns to the skies soon.

Monday, December 4, 2006

My Birthday

Yesterday was my birthday, and my sweet life partner Geri made me a wonderful steak dinner with all the trimmings as well as a scrumptious chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, MY FAVORITE!!!!!

She also presented me with a wonderful card, all dolled up from vast selection of sticker enhancements...

Ok, so the card reflects an aura of age about me... I am not yet quite a 'senior citizen' although I have noticed that I am prone to a 'senior moment' more often than not... Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!!

Still feeling the effects of being super full from overeating, but it was a special occasion and the food was oh so good! Yum. With plenty of leftovers as well. Still working on the cake however.

So, for the next couple of weeks Geri and I are the same age, then I get to prepare something special for her as well....


Saturday, December 2, 2006

Moving forward

Geri has completed her first full week in her new nursing position, and two more days for me until MY weekend starts. Rent is paid but there are several other bills that come due this time of the month, and funds are a bit tight. Now that the Christmas holiday season is upon us, this is not the time of year to be low on money. I know, I know, there are lots of people out there with a lot less and believe me, I truly understand and give thanks for the many blessings that Geri and I have and are able to share. I just feel the 'pinch' now because it is taking time to bounce back from our move from Wisconsin, and I amjust a bit uncomfortable with the time it is taking to be where we are not in financial jepordy. I know I must exhibit a bit more patience and utilize what we have, not what we don't have.
Weather here has been seasonal with a little snow from time-to-time. Overall, it has been mild for Montana winter weather and we still get some nice sunny days. The Missoula valley is known for getting inversion layers that really sock in the fog for long periods of time. Makes for 'interesting' air travel!!!!!
Anyway, off to work for a Saturday (which is actually MY Thursday). Geri is off today and will be grocery shopping and relaxing with her kitty cat.
