Monday, November 27, 2006

New blog layout and my weekend...

Today is the start of my weekend since hiring on with DirecTV. I am enjoying my shift, which starts early in thee AM and ends mid-afternoon.
Geri started her new position with St. Patrick Hospital and Health Sciences Center in the dialysis center. She will be in training and learning this hospital's ins and outs of dialysis work for several weeks. She has been a registered nurse for many years, and has been involved in dialysis work in the past.
We have been enjoying each others company here in Montana, and are glad to be back home. we have snow covering the ground but travel has not been difficult.
We had a nice Thanksgiving at her mom's home but there were several family members that could not attend due to colds and flu, or out of town and not able to return in time for the get together. We had a wonderful meal all around, and everyone brought something to share.
Geri and I both have birthdays in December, and for two weeks, Geri and I are the same age. My birthday is first, and occurs on the 3rd, then Geri's birthday is on the 17th. We will find some way to celebrate each occasion, and we also have a celebration to do due to our new jobs.
We have not made any Christmas plans at this time, but look forward to getting our little place 'junked up' for the holiday. Geri has several decorations and we will get the boxes out of storage soon. She loves to decorate for this holiday season, and I like watching her putter around finding just the right place for this little holiday knick-nak and that...
I have changed the preferences for this new blog to accept any comments, and invite all who visit us here to leave a little of themselves...
Happy Holidays to all!